Saturday, September 09, 2006

Innovate Incisively, a talk by Tom Buckholtz

NUSEA Mentorship is proud to present…

Gain Impact… Save Time… for your customers, company, and colleagues.
A talk by Tom Buckholtz, PhD., Business Advisor and Executive Coach.

Location: 465 Fairchild Dr Suite 207, Mountain View, CA (map)
When: Wednesday, September 13, 6:30pm

About the Speaker:
Dr. Thomas J. Buckholtz helps enterprises and individuals define and achieve business strategies, develop and market products and services, augment corporate culture, and work effectively. He anticipates that his GIST thinking tools will catalyze a global enhancement in business and personal effectiveness.

Tom has led a $1 billion business unit, corporate operations for startups, and automation endeavors. He helped pioneer several technologies. As a Commissioner in the United States General Services Administration, he served as co-chief information officer for the federal government’s 4,000,000-person Executive Branch and also as GSA’s CIO; his team catalyzed the early 1990s nationwide grassroots movement that spotlighted improving governmental service for the United States national agenda. He catalyzed innovation and $100 million in recurring annual benefits throughout Pacific Gas and Electric Company and established a new business practice in the world software marketplace. Tom authored Information Proficiency: Your Key to the Information Age. His concepts led to the creation of the Palos Verdes Estates (California, U.S.A.) Shoreline Preserve, a Rotary International service program, and two business practices that streamlined the U.S. federal government’s acquiring billions of dollars per year of information-technology products and services. Tom earned a Ph.D. in physics from the University of California, Berkeley, after receiving a B.S. in mathematics from the California Institute of Technology. He completed business administration programs at Stanford University and the University of Michigan.

For more information about Tom, please visit

The event is absolutely FREE of cost. Refreshments will be provided.

For further queries, contact Prashant at 650.483.8458


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